Policy to Become an Honorary Member of the Class of 1970
Article 1 Purpose: The purpose of these Guidelines and Criteria, created in accordance with the Class of 1970
By-Laws, is to provide policy, guidance, and criteria to be followed by those Class Members who may wish to nominate a person to be an Honorary Member of
the Class. They shall further govern the process that the Class Officers and Board of Trustees shall follow when reviewing and considering any such
nomination and before determining whether or not to grant approval of any such nomination.
Article 2 Qualifications: Any Member of the Class of 1970 may nominate as an Honorary Class Member any person, living or
deceased, who has:
- 2.1 Inspirational: Been a significant inspiration or influence upon the Class of 1970, or a group of Class Members for a
sustained period of time; or
- 2.2 Contributions: Made substantial contributions of his or her time or assets in support of activities and endeavors of the
Class of 1970, or a group of Class Members; or
- 2.3 Actions: By his or her actions, deeds, or words, has brought much pride, benefit, or recognition to the Class of 1970
or a group of Class Members; or
- 2.4 Influential: In association with the Class of 1970 or a group of Class Members, furthered the Mission, goals, or
performance of the U.S. Naval Academy, or significantly influenced or contributed to the education, moral development, or physical fitness of
Midshipmen; or
- 2.5 Other: Otherwise greatly contributed by his or her sustained deeds, leadership, or support to the Class of 1970 or a
group of Class Members.
- Note: It is recognized that the criteria, above, are subjective and can be interpreted differently by different individuals. Accordingly,
these criteria should be considered generic in nature, and not all-encompassing. The Class Officers and Trustees will use these criteria as basic
guidelines – not as a checklist – for their decisions regarding Honorary Class Member nominations. In particular:
- 2.6 Indirect Contributions: The Honorary Class Member designation shall ordinarily be for contributions to the Class of 1970
or to a significant segment thereof, by living individuals, but deceased individuals may also be nominated. In certain cases, the Honorary Class
Member designation may be appropriate for an individual who has contributed significantly to the U.S. Naval Academy, the U.S. Navy, or the U.S.
Marine Corps (and, thereby, indirectly to the Class of 1970).
- 2.7 One time Significant Contribution: The Honorary Class Member designation shall ordinarily be for sustained contributions
to the Class of 1970 or to a significant segment thereof. In certain cases, the Honorary Classmate designation may be appropriate for an individual
who has made a significant one-time contribution of time, effort, or assets to the Class of 1970.
Article 3 Review and Approval of Nominations: A nomination shall be submitted to the President of the Class of 1970. The nomination shall include the nominee’s name, contact information (or family member contact information, if the nominee is deceased or incapacitated), and a brief justification (not to exceed one typed page) for the nomination (i.e., how the nominee qualifies based upon the criteria listed above). The nomination shall also include the name and contact information of the Class Member submitting the nomination.
- 3.1 Class Officer Review: At a regular meeting of Class Officers, the nomination shall be evaluated by the Class Officers,
who shall decide whether or not to support the nomination.
- 3.2 Trustees' Review: Following determination by the Class Officers, the Class President shall forward the nomination and
Class Officers’ statement of support or non-support to the full Class Board of Trustees for information and comment. Trustees shall have 15
business days to submit any comments regarding the nomination to the Class President. In the event that the Trustees submit objections or questions
regarding the nomination, the Class President shall return the nomination to the nominator for resolution. The Nominator shall have 20 business days
to forward a response to the Board of Trustees regarding said objections and/or questions. The Board shall have 15 business days to send its final
recommendation to the Class President.
- 3.3 Final Decision: If the Trustees submit no objections or questions regarding the nomination, or after receiving the Board
of Trustees’ final recommendation, the Class President shall convene an executive session of the Class Officers for final decision. Approval of the
nomination shall be by simple majority vote of the Class Officers.
- 3.4 Notifications: The Class President shall notify the nominator of the results of the Class Officers’ vote. In the case
of a disapproved nomination, the nominator shall notify the nominee of the Class Officers’ decision.
- 3.5 Formal Notification: In the case of an approved nomination, the Class President shall notify the nominee (or nominee’s
family if the nominee is deceased or incapacitated) of the designation as Honorary Class Member. The Class President shall send a letter of
congratulations, on Class of 1970 stationery, to the Honorary Class Member (or to the Honorary Class Member’s family if the Honorary Class Member is
deceased or incapacitated). A Certificate of Designation as Honorary Class Member shall be presented to the Honorary Class Member (or to the
Honorary Class Member’s family, if the Honorary Class Member is deceased or incapacitated) at an appropriate time and place.
Submitted July 1, 2018, to the Class Officers and Board of Trustees by: Barry L. Steelman '70, Member Board of Trustees
Approved by unanimous vote of the Class Officers on 25 July 2018.
Michael J. Novak
President, USNA '70       
Updated: June 23, 2022
Curator: Ed Moore